Monday, March 26, 2012



Elbow to elbow,

knee to knee.

I'll read to you and

you'll read to me.

elbow to elbow,

knee to knee.

Book in the middle

so we both can see!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Back to School

Spring break is almost over! I'll see you back at school tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14 is 3.14 Pi Day

Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi: A Math Adventure by Cindy Neuschwander

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thank you!

Thank you for all the well wishes. The foot is getting better. I love this drawing on the back of a spelling paper that is of me with the walking boot. The boot is even on the right foot. It's the little things that the kids say (and write or draw) that so often mean so much.

See you Sunday, March 11

This Sunday afternoon is the big day for Concord's Spring Musicals!
"Barnyard Moosical" --First Graders meet in the lobby at 1:45 in full costume. Show starts promptly at 2:00 p.m

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pen Name Nametags

Dr. Seuss used a pen name. The boys and girls made pen names for themselves, too. They combined the onset blends Gl, Gr, Bl, or Br with the rime parts of their names to create the pen names. They wore nametages with their pen names and are in the process of writing Seuss-like poems.